august prayer Alison Epps august prayer Alison Epps

August Prayer - Day 31

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

—Colossians 3:23-25

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Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

—Colossians 3:23-25



Take This Job and Love It

By Mike Tilley

We all have stuff about our jobs that we don’t like: the unreasonable boss; difficult co-workers; demanding people; tedious tasks. As we look past Labor Day, it’s back to the grind. Thankfully, the gospel is good news for business owners, office workers, teachers, and all those in the workplace.

In the Bible we discover that our vocation is a calling. There is not a sacred/secular split. We still have thorns and thistles (thanks to Adam and the fall of mankind) but even now God is redeeming our work. What is the good news? (1) We have a new incentive: not just pleasing our boss, but pleasing God. (2) We have a new zeal, doing our work “heartily.” (3) We have a new reward, not just a paycheck but “an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.” And (4) we have a new Master: “ is the Lord Christ you are serving.”


For prayer:

  1. On Sundays we are “the church gathered,” but throughout the week we are “the church scattered.” Pray for our congregation as God has “scattered” us around the city. Pray that our work will bear the distinctive marks of redeemed people.

  2. Pray for those bearing a heavy weight of responsibility at their work. We do face “thorns and thistles” and many need God’s grace to handle the workload.

  3. Pray for those in our church looking for work, wanting to have a decent income. Pray for open doors, and for God’s provision of “daily bread.”

  4. Jesus said that we are “the salt of the earth and the light of the world.” Pray that our work relationships will create interest in exploring the faith and learning about the hope of the gospel.

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august prayer Alison Epps august prayer Alison Epps

August Prayer - Day 30

Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

—Ephesians 5:18-20

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Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord,  always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

—Ephesians 5:18-20



Take Up The Task of Singing

By Joel Pollard

Recently my family gathered around my mom’s piano to sing hymns together. My whole family was there, including my ailing grandparents. We sang old hymns, known by memory, for an hour or so. The incredible part of this story is that my grandmother has severe dementia. Her mind is failing her and it is deeply sad for those of us who remember her when she was full of laughter, joy, and encouragement.

But one thing about her memory has not failed her. She knows those old hymns better than we do. In those hymns are nuggets of Gospel truth and the memories we shape around them over a lifetime strengthen our faith, give us joy in sorrow, and hope for the future. 

Let this be an encouragement to all of us to take up the joyful task of singing to each other. God designed music to be a powerful way of imprinting the Gospel onto our hearts and minds! When we sing together, we’re publicly proclaiming that we actually believe what we believe, and that in spite of whatever is going on in life—good or bad—that God is constant, faithful, and true.


For prayer:

  • Thank God for blessing our congregation with gospel-rich worship each Sunday. Pray for growth of vibrant worship as we sing “psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit.”

  • Pray for future decisions about worship space. We have bright prospects of a possible move to Audubon K-8 (5 minutes away), a brand new facility. But there are challenges with a move, so pray that our leaders will prepare wisely.

  • The future of worship will include all the nations! Pray for Holida Boggs and her work with Bridges, a ministry to international students at UCF. Pray that many from other countries will come to faith in Christ through relationships with John and Holida, their team, and other believers at UCF and in churches.

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august prayer Alison Epps august prayer Alison Epps

August Prayer - Day 29

Can a man carry fire next to his chest
without his clothes being burned?

—Proverbs 6:27

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Join us TONIGHT from 7:00-8:00 pm for the monthly prayer gathering at the LBC office: 1300 Lake Baldwin Lane. Kids are welcome!


Can a man carry fire next to his chest
without his clothes being burned?

—Proverbs 6:27



Too Close to the Fire?

By Joe White

The context of this proverb is a warning to avoid lusting for what you do not have, but the word picture can be applied more broadly. Here’s the question that cuts to the heart: Are there any dangerous practices, behaviors, patterns of thought, that you have begun to treat as though they were safe? Sometimes we think we can flirt with our idols (comfort, pleasure, power, control, etc) without doing any lasting damage. But the reality is one cannot carry fire close to the chest and not be burned. ALL of the ways we reject God and put our trust in idols, no matter how hidden or socially acceptable, have a lasting effect on our lives.

God, in his fatherly grace, wants us to see the dangers of bringing our idols close to our hearts, so that we might stay near to His. This morning, give thanks for the beautiful sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for our rampant idolatry, and ask God to reveal the “fires” we may be carrying a little too close. 



For prayer:

  • Ask God to open our eyes to see the emptiness of our idols, and the inability of idols to satisfy the true need of our hearts. Ask the God would give us grace, instead, to drink of him, the fountain of living water. (See Jeremiah 2:13)
  • Thank God for the volunteers who serve our church so that people of all ages may learn—and experience—the gospel story and the glory of Jesus. 
  • Pray for Andrew Balducci and his team of volunteers in charge of setting up for SPLASH Kids. Pray specifically for 8 more people to serve once/month to bring the team to full strength for the fall.
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august prayer Alison Epps august prayer Alison Epps

August Prayer - Day 28

For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me… After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?

—Galatians 2:19, 3:3

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For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me… After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?

—Galatians 2:19, 3:3



Rest at His Feet

By Bridgette Cahill

The gospel tells believers that our standing before God is not based on our success of just trying harder, but on Jesus’ work alone. Just as my kids’ play money will never be able to purchase a house, our works can never add up to God’s requirements. The gospel doesn’t tell us to do better and thenGod will help us and be pleased with us. Nor does God require that we have our lives perfected before we come to Him. He longs for our tattered, selfish, ugly, stressed-out selves to come rest at His feet.

What if we rely on the Holy Spirit for strength to tackle all the road bumps and mundane tasks of today? What if we rest in the freedom, thankfulness and all-consuming joy of what Jesus did for us, and wake up in His peace because our worth is not based on how much we do in the next 12 hours? If we try to only work harder in our own strength, we will grow weary and depleted. The Gospel calls us to abide in Jesus, the source outside ourselves, as He offers us the opportunity to bear eternal fruit and share the Great News about Jesus to whomever God brings across our path.


For prayer:

  1. In light of the good news of the gospel, let’s pray that the power of the Holy Spirit will strengthen and change us as we experience the means of grace (the Word, fellowship, and prayer).

  2. Ask the Holy Spirit to use His Word to strengthen us, both in private reading and in the public preaching of the Word.

  3. Ask the Holy Spirit to give each one of us a new heart for prayer and new joy in prayer. Pray for grace and mercy to come to us from his throne of grace!

  4. Ask the Holy Spirit to flood our congregation with grace as we fellowship together in worship, community groups, and in other settings.

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august prayer Alison Epps august prayer Alison Epps

August Prayer - Day 27

O Lord, you have searched me and known me.

—Psalm 139:1

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O Lord, you have searched me and known me.

—Psalm 139:1



Our God

By Heather Shiflett

Psalm 139 beautifully expresses one of the fundamental differences between Christianity and any other religion. Namely that God is not just God, but He is our God. In that one little adjective, the covenant comes alive. God does not just exist for Himself, nor do we exist for ourselves. Rather we exist to be in relationship with one another. Not only can we know about God, we can actually know God and He knows us. It is mind-blowing! Not only does He know we exist as a matter of fact, but He knows each one of us intimately, completely.

In that complete and full knowledge, He loves us. For someone outside the covenant, an intimate knowledge like that by an omnipotent, omnipresent God could be frightening—and maybe it should be. But for sons and daughters of the covenant, it is like being wrapped in the coziest of warm blankets on a cold day. Be comforted today knowing that covenantal knowledge still results in covenantal love, and there’s nothing we can ever do to change that.


How to pray today:

  • Take some moments to praise God today! Reflect on Psalm 139, and worship God for his presence, his power, and his love.
  • It won’t be long before Advent season is here! Pray for Joel Pollard as he plans and prepares our Advent worship services, including Christmas Eve.
  • Pray, too, for Advent outreaches, including the Winter Spark Parade. With children riding on our float, our LBC volunteers will be inviting hundreds of people to join us for worship in the Christmas season!
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august prayer Alison Epps august prayer Alison Epps

August Prayer - Day 26

Grace Day

Happy Sunday! There's no new post today—take a moment to catch up on anything you may have missed, and spend time in God's presence. See you for worship at 10:45!

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Grace Day

Happy Sunday! There's no new post today—take a moment to catch up on anything you may have missed, and spend time in God's presence. See you for worship at 10:45!

John 14:16 web.png
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august prayer Alison Epps august prayer Alison Epps

August Prayer - Day 25

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here.

—Matthew 12:40-41

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For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here.

—Matthew 12:40-41



The Sign of Jonah

By Katie Pollard

One of the unique features of the book of Jonah is that it is filled with comparisons and contrasts. The writer uses repeated words and parallel scenes to highlight the contrast between hard-hearted, rebellious Jonah and the pagan sailors and Ninevites who turned to God. Throughout the story God’s own prophet seems, ironically, to be the furthest person from God’s heart.

A more striking contrast is between Jonah and God himself. Jonah is selfish and fickle, yet God remains faithful. Jonah has no compassion for the lost—in fact he despises the Ninevites and doesn’t want God to show mercy to any non-Hebrew people. This becomes evident when he is furious with God for sparing the people of Nineveh, never relenting in his anger. God, on the other hand, never relents in his mercy. He continues to show grace not only to the sailors and Ninevites, but also to miserable, foolish Jonah.

Though Jonah was a deeply flawed servant, God used him powerfully because HE is faithful. Now “something greater than Jonah is here.” Though we are imperfect, Christ’s perfect work covers us completely. We can take the good news to the ends of the earth with confidence, trusting that God can and will use our efforts for his glory.


How to pray today:

  • John and Julie Bowles, missionaries with Mission to the World, serving in Bangkok, Thailand. Pray for John as he adjusts to work with a graphic design firm. And, pray for the family’s integration into Jonah’s school. John and Julie are supported by LBC, and they are connected to a church plant in Bangkok. Pray for gospel fruit among the Thai people.

  • Thank God for the medical mission in Nicaragua. Pray for Brita Zuehlke as she leads this effort, along with other in our church who are involved. Pray for peace and stability in Nicaragua, so that the work there can resume.

  • Pray that God would give us his compassion for those right around us in need of his grace. These might be our Muslim neighbors, or friends with little spiritual interest, or others with different lifestyles or backgrounds.

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august prayer Alison Epps august prayer Alison Epps

August Prayer - Day 24

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

—Luke 4:18-19

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“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

—Luke 4:18-19



God’s “Plan A” for Blessing our City

By Bart Johnson

Early in His ministry, Our Lord read these words from the Old Testament book of Isaiah, to Jewish worshippers in the synagogue in His hometown. Over the course of his ministry, He made it plain that this passage was written about Him, describing His mission.

Jesus’ Church, including its local expression at LBC, is called to follow Him in His mission, empowered by the same Spirit Who anointed and sent Him. LBC is called to proclaim and perform this good news in Orlando, by word and deed to “the poor,” “the captives,” “the blind,” and “the oppressed”— which in the fullest sense includes everyone.

I’m so gratified that at LBC we do this, and we aspire to do it more!  One of the key strategies we pursue is the planting of more churches all around our city. Can you imagine (and pray for!) dozens more gospel-centered churches started in every corner of Orlando, blessing our city with the Good News that enriches, rescues, heals, ennobles and favors forever?


How to pray today:

  • LBC financially supports the Florida Church Planting Network, planting new gospel-centered churches where most needed in central Florida and around our state. Pray for the continued growth of this network.
  • Pray specifically for pastors who are dear to us who have been part of our church: Dave Abney, Christ Church Intown in Jacksonville; and Michael Aitcheson, Christ United Fellowship in Orlando.
  • LBC partners with a network of churches in Europe called International Christian Community (ICC). The network supports front-lines pastors and new churches in the cities of Europe. Pray for the upcoming retreat for pastors and families in late October. Pray for the long-term goal of vibrant churches in the top 100 cities of Europe.
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August Prayer - Day 23

But as for you, O man of God… Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.

—1 Timothy 6:11

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But as for you, O man of God… Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. 

—1 Timothy 6:11



Pursuing Steadfastness

By Andrew Balducci

The word “steadfastness” has always stood out to me in this verse. I think it’s in part because it’s not a word I use often, but also because it’s a counter-cultural idea. Our society says I should do whatever feels good in the moment, and that I should change course at my discretion. In reality, this often leads to disappointment and instability. 

God calls us to imitate him in being steadfast because it’s for our good and his glory. The good news is that we don’t have to strive to be steadfast on our own, but as we trust in the Lord and keep in step with the Spirit, we are transformed. He makes us steadfast because he is steadfast. 

Pray with me that as we will walk with the Lord this will be true in each of our lives. 


How to pray today:

  • Since God is steadfast, pray that he will make all of us steadfast in our pursuit of maturity and faithfulness in Christ. Pray that God will “not lead us into temptation,” but rather into holiness.
  • Since worship deepens our relationship with God, pray for our worship services this fall. Pray for the worship band, the A/V team, and for all who lead us. Pray that each of us will worship God not only with our lips, but with our hearts.
  • Since the word of God’s grace is able to build us up (Acts 20:32), pray for the preaching of the Word this fall as we teach through the life of David in 1 and 2 Samuel. Pray specifically for Mike and Joe as they work to prepare for our fall series.
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August Prayer - Day 22

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

—Romans 8:38, 39 NIV

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For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

—Romans 8:38, 39 NIV



No Power Can Separate Us

By Debbie Burton

Many of us have traveled to remote locations and discovered our cell phones could not pick up a signal. This can be frustrating if we long to connect with family and friends. After several days of not being able to call home, we might feel lonely and forgotten.

In a letter to the new Christians in Rome, Paul stated that nothing could separate them from the love of Christ. From the time Paul encountered Christ on the road to Damascus, he was changed by the far reaching love of God. The Holy Spirit always comforted and encouraged Paul through every circumstance, including the isolation of prison. Paul’s words ring just as true today as they did centuries ago. Although we might feel alone, we are never separated from the love of Christ. His Spirit dwells within us and His love will not fail.


How to pray today:

  • Thank God for his unchanging love, and for his presence with us!
  • Our LBC staff team: Pray for them by name, and for their labors among us this fall: Joel and Katie Pollard; Heather Shiflett; Mark McKinney; Joe White; Sam Stotts; Mike and Molly Tilley.
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August Prayer - Day 21

“I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness;
   I will take hold of your hand.
I will keep you and will make you
   to be a covenant for the people
   and a light for the Gentiles,
   to open eyes that are blind,
   to free captives from prison
   and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.
—Isaiah 42:6-7

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“I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness;
   I will take hold of your hand.
I will keep you and will make you
to be a covenant for the people
and a light for the Gentiles,
to open eyes that are blind,
to free captives from prison
and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.
—Isaiah 42:6-7



A Glorious Calling

By Mark McKinney

We have been called by the Lord to the unbelievable privilege of bringing hope to this world where there is none. As Christians we can bring light to all of the dark places where people are desperate for Jesus. The Lord has called you to bring freedom to those in your workplaces, schools, and families, and He abundantly equips you for it. Did you get that? God wants to fulfill His promise of love, grace and abundance of life to this city and this world through you; that’s crazy! How can we stay silent any longer, when there are people around us every day whom God has put in our lives so that we can declare freedom through Christ. If you’re like me, you feel thoroughly unqualified for this, and that’s a good thing—It is God’s authority in calling us and His presence with us that makes us worthy of such an enormous mission. Who in your life needs to hear about the freedom Jesus offers through the cross?  

How to pray today:

  • Pray for those in your life who are far from God, and ask him to give you opportunities to build relationships and to share the good news of the gospel.
  • Pray for a quick and successful visa renewal process this coming year for Mark and Aimée McKinney.
  • Thank God for the adult volunteers who have joined our youth team! Pray that God would use them in the discipleship of our youth.
  • Thank God for the growth in our youth group! Pray for the youth as they study the gospel of Mark this fall; as they meet in small groups; and as they learn to include new students whom God will bring their way this fall.
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August Prayer - Day 20

Give ear, O my people, to my teaching;
incline your ears to the words of my mouth!

I will open my mouth in a parable;
I will utter dark sayings from of old,
things that we have heard and known,
that our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,
but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might,
and the wonders that he has done.

— Psalm 78:1-4

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Give ear, O my people, to my teaching;
    incline your ears to the words of my mouth!

I will open my mouth in a parable;
    I will utter dark sayings from of old,
things that we have heard and known,
    that our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,
    but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might,
    and the wonders that he has done.

— Psalm 78:1-4



"Tell to the Coming Generation..."

By Sam Stotts

We will not hide them. What an interesting word choice. If we know the glorious things God has done and neglect to tell our kids, we are actively hiding these things from them. So why is it important that the next generation know? Well, for the original hearers, it was crucial for their children to know what God had already done and said so that, generations on, they would recognize the King who was to come. And for us? We know that the King has come and that he is active in our world today. Is that news that should be hidden from our children? Not a chance. So let's tell them. Tell children of the glorious deeds of our Lord, tell the little ones the wonders that he has done. Do not hide it.


How to pray today:

  • Pray for the many ways that we are telling “the glorious deeds” of the Lord to the next generation: in SPLASH Kids, in our youth ministry, and in our families.
  • Pray for the parents in our church who yearn for their children to return to the faith. Some are teenagers, some are adults.
  • Pray for the young moms and dads in our church, daily seeking to fulfill the parenting role that God has entrusted to them.
  • Pray for the children of our missionary families around the world.
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august prayer Alison Epps august prayer Alison Epps

August Prayer - Day 19

Grace Day

Happy Sunday! There's no new post today—take a moment to catch up on anything you may have missed, and spend time in God's presence. See you for worship at 10:45!

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Grace Day

Happy Sunday! There's no new post today—take a moment to catch up on anything you may have missed, and spend time in God's presence. See you for worship at 10:45!

Matt 11.28
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August Prayer - Day 18

It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known...

—The Apostle Paul, in Rom 15:20a

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It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known...

—The Apostle Paul, in Rom 15:20a



"A Great Ambition"

by Zurielly Jennings

We sometimes think of the word “ambition” as a negative, unspiritual quality for those who set their eyes on things of this world. However, God’s transforming work in the life of the apostle Paul provided him a different and greater kind of ambition: the extension of God’s Kingdom to the ends of the earth. During his three missionary journeys, he focused all of his zeal and passion on preaching the gospel to those who had never heard of Jesus. As he writes these words, he is actually hoping to launch a fourth journey to Spain, hoping the church in Rome will help send him on (Rom.15:24). He never made it there, but rather was imprisoned and ended his days in Rome. While entire people groups in the world remain unreached, we still have work to do! Is reaching them one of your greatest ambitions? Are you willing to go or help send someone to them?


How to pray today:

  • Thank God for the missionary families supported by LBC: Ross and Aislinn Meyer (London), Davidson and Katie Jean-Rejouis (Toulouse, France), Matt and Jill K (moving from Asia to DC to work with an unreached people group), Peter and Jenny Boling (La Paz, Mexico), John and Julie Bowles (Bangkok, Thailand), and Collin and Zury Jennings (West Africa). Pray for each family as our kingdom representatives across the world!
  • For Collin and Zury Jennings: (1) completion of support to move to West Africa by spring of 2019, and (2) for Zury to obtain her green card soon and eventually obtain U.S. citizenship.
  • For Ross and Aislinn Meyer, working with Serge in London: (1) Praise God for recent outreaches in London with short-term teams from the USA, (2) Pray for Aislinn as she begins an English class with mostly Sylheti students next month.
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August Prayer - Day 17

If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well.

—James 2:8

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If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well.

—James 2:8



Loving Our Neighbors

by Joel Pollard

“When we say we are a church “for the city,” whom or what exactly do we have in mind?”

—Duke Kwon, for The Gospel Coalition

We believe that the Gospel is good news for the city in which we live. Our hearts long to see our institutions, social fabric, and culture renewed by the Gospel of Jesus, and we pray for an end to poverty, racism, violence, trafficking, and many other issues that plague our world. 

As we pray for and serve our city, we must be careful to not forget that a city is more than institutions and infrastructure—it’s made of people! The primary call in Scripture is to love and serve our neighbors, not “the city” as an abstract. As we pray for Orlando and as we go forth to minister in various capacities, let’s not forget that our main mission is to love our neighbors. The Gospel calls us to radically care for people, not so that we can pat ourselves on the backs for doing something “good,” but so that we can participate in God’s cosmic effort to renew all things, one life at a time.  

How to pray today:

  • Elevate Orlando: (1) for Chad Phillips, new president, to have favor with schools and businesses, (2) for the 16 Elevate staff who teach character education for urban youth in Orange County Schools, (3) Student Urban Venture, working with high school ministries such as Young Life, and (4) for a strong start for Elevate in 11 urban public schools...favor with school administrators, success in working with students. Thank God for LBC members Jack and Sheri McGill, who launched Elevate and have entrusted the work to a new generation of leadership.
  • Thank God for Jobs Partnership, and for the life-changing impact on many in our church. Pray for students to have a renewed sense of hope and self-worth; wisdom for coaches and instructors as they encourage the students; and for all participants to have a servant’s heart toward each other and the world. Pray, too, for Angela Stromberg, member of LBC, who works with JP and represents that ministry to our church.
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August Prayer - Day 16

Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.

—Proverbs 22:6

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Train up a child in the way he should go;

even when he is old he will not depart from it.

—Proverbs 22:6


Good News for Our Kids

by Joe White

I LOVE our children’s ministry. I love that it’s fun. I love that it's engaging. I love that it’s fueled by nearly 100 volunteers! But most of all, I love that it’s a place my children get to experience the gospel every Sunday. At Lake Baldwin Church, we’re not just teaching kids how to be nice (though some of our little rascals could use a crash course); we’re teaching them about the only hope they have: Jesus.

When the children of LBC grow “old”, what is it we hope they will “not depart from”? The GOSPEL. The gospel that tells them they are even more messed up than they know, but they are loved by God in Christ more than they could ever imagine. Today, pray for all the little ones of Lake Baldwin Church. Pray that God would use Splash kids to train our little ones up in the gospel!

How to pray today:

  • For the hearts of all the children in learn and love the story of Jesus!
  • For our SPLASH Director Heather Shiflett, and our Assistant Director, Sam Stotts. Pray for joy in leading, for wisdom and managing the many tasks and people.
  • For the SPLASH Leadership Team, teachers, and other volunteers: joy in serving, and grace as they share the story of Jesus in creative ways.
  • For our entire church family to embrace the vision of SPLASH Kids, and an abundance of volunteers for all age groups.
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August Prayer - Day 15

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.

—Colossians 3:15

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And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.

—Colossians 3:15


"And Be Thankful"

by Ryan Sharp

Paul’s second imperative in this passage is one of the most convicting commands found in this letter, yet it offers good news for the found in at least two ways. First, we need to understand that unthankfulness is not an individual problem. Rather, it is a deeply rooted heart issue that all fallen people suffer from (Rom. 1:21). Christians are not immune; you and I are not alone. So, be encouraged—When struggling with unthankfulness, we have brothers and sisters in Christ ready to help share our burden.

Second, we need to identify (as Paul does) that the only remedy for unthankfulness is the gospel (2:6-7). Circumstances change, but we have received Christ; we are rooted and built up in Him. Our sins are forgiven. We are reconciled with the Father and adopted as His children. These truths are indeed hope for the found and a sure foundation for being thankful.


How to pray today:

  • Thank God for his supernatural peace that has “ruled” at LBC, where we have been blessed with a relative lack of division among our church family. We have taken vows to practice “the purity and peace of the church.” Pray that God will give us grace to remain faithful to these vows, and that we would live lives of thankfulness for our church community.
  • Thank God for those who are extending the peace (shalom in the Old Testament) of God in our city. Pray for John and Jane Hursh, who lead the 306 Foundation and Toolbox4Life. Pray, too, for the volunteers who are preparing for the fall class of Toolbox4Life, and for the participants. Ask God to give John, Jane, and their co-workers the grace to be fully present as they serve this upcoming class.
  • We live in a dark and divisive world, where competition and vitriol are often the rule on social media, traditional media, and in political discourse. Pray that the thankfulness expressed in today’s blog post would be experienced and practiced by our church and by Christians in our society. Pray that as we refrain from grumbling and disputing, that we will shine as lights in a dark world, holding forth the Word of life (Philippians 2:14-16).
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august prayer Alison Epps august prayer Alison Epps

August Prayer - Day 14

Now the law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

—Romans 5:20-21

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Now the law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

—Romans 5:20-21


Life in the Grip of Grace

by Mike Tilley

In 1666 while serving a 12-year prison sentence for preaching the gospel, John Bunyan wrote his famous book, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. The title of the book was based on this verse from Romans, along with 1 Timothy 1:15, where Paul regarded himself as the chief of sinners. Bunyan took in both parts of the gospel: the gravity of sin and the abounding grace found in Christ. His was a life in the grip of grace. Only grace can topple the idols of our hearts. Only grace can draw us to the throne of God in prayer. Only grace can thrust us out into God’s larger story.


How to pray today:

  • Pray that grace, not moralism, would fuel our lives and mission as a church.

  • Thank God for the partner organizations in our city that are extending grace in beautiful ways. Pray for the work of Grace Medical Home, providing free medical care in the name of Christ.

  • This month thousands of college students will be swarming local campuses like Rollins College and UCF. Pray for Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at UCF, one of the ministries supported by LBC. Pray for gospel fruit as Lee Wright (director) and Alex Gottfried and their student leaders reach out to incoming students. Pray, too, for the work of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at Rollins College as they sow seeds of the gospel and make disciples among students. Zach Baldwin is the IVCF director at Rollins.

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august prayer Alison Epps august prayer Alison Epps

August Prayer - Day 13

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…

—Psalm 139:13-14

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For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…

—Psalm 139:13-14


Fully Known

by Dwayne Noble

Nothing has brought me closer to knowing the heart of God for his children than the experience of being a father. Holding my son close at night before laying him down to bed reminds of God’s love for me, his concern for me and his protection over my life. Not only that, in these moments I am reminded that God truly and fully knows me. Psalm 139:13 says, “[He] knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” This tells me that God created me uniquely and he is intimately involved in my everyday life. He is not distant nor is he indifferent to my worries and cares. If today you feel alone or if you feel as if no one really knows you, take comfort in this good news: You have been “fearfully and wonderfully made” by a great God, a Father in heaven, who loves you and KNOWS you.


How to pray today:

  • Psalm 139 gives us a glimpse into the wonder of who God is: his love, his power, and his majesty. Pray that God, by his Holy Spirit, would make himself powerfully known in our worship services in the coming year.
  • In many ways our Community Groups are places where we can know and be known, both by God and by our faith community. Pray that all of our church family will experience the joy of loving community. Pray specifically for your Community Group, for your group leaders, and for all who are part of it. Pray for rich gospel community where love and grace are practiced, where all can experience care.
  • Our knowledge of God also grows through the in-depth study of his Word. Pray for the spiritual maturity of our congregation, and for the learning cohorts and classes that are offered throughout the year.
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august prayer Alison Epps august prayer Alison Epps

August Prayer - Day 12

Grace Day

Happy Sunday! There's no new post today—take a moment to catch up on anything you may have missed, and spend time in God's presence. See you for worship at 10:45!

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Grace Day

Happy Sunday! There's no new post today—take a moment to catch up on anything you may have missed, and spend time in God's presence. See you for worship at 10:45!

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