Our Vision
Transformed by the grace of Christ, and compelled by his love, our vision is to be a flourishing community marked by love for God and for our neighbor. Depending on prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit, we desire to radiate the good news of God’s grace in such a way that people are redeemed by the gospel, grow in the context of healthy relationships, serve the poor and needy around us, and partner with the global church to bring the gospel to the nations.
I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)
Lake Baldwin Church is a part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
Our beliefs are best summarized in two historic expressions of the Christian faith: The Apostles Creed and The Westminster Confession of Faith.
Our Values
Outward Face
We believe that the Gospel calls us to look beyond ourselves and to love our neighbors. We do this through our individual and corporate witness to the saving message of the Gospel. We do this by entering into the broken places of our city and our world, striving to be "salt and light" and to offer hope and help to those in need.
Loving Community
We believe that God grows us primarily in the context of our relationships. Therefore, we value deep, genuine community with one another. We believe that the church is called to be a counter-culture marked by love and unity in the midst of a world marked by competition and division.
Gospel Culture
Our deepest desire for our church is that we would be completely shaped by the grace of God revealed in the Gospel. We believe that the Gospel is indeed good news for all of us. We believe that it frees us to stop our self-righteous striving, and to experience the immeasurable love of God. This basic belief should create a grace-saturated church culture.
Spiritual Growth
We believe that God wants each of us to grow in knowledge and relationship with Jesus, and to become more and more like him. We want to create a culture of growth at Lake Baldwin Church where each person is an incomplete work-in-progress, and we work together to grow in grace and truth.
Creative Faith
We recognize that over time, many organizations become accustomed to “business as usual” and cease to be innovative in their attempts to implement their vision. As a body, we are committed to pursuing creative means to transform our city and world, both as a church and as individuals.