Good News for the City


"But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare."
Jeremiah 29:7 (ESV)


Commission 127

We believe that Lake Baldwin Church should be a blessing to the community in which God has placed us. Therefore, we make it a priority to serve the city of Orlando & to bring the Good News of God’s Kingdom to the broken parts of our city. As a church, we seek to extend God’s love to those that are part of our church family, as well as those that don't currently consider Lake Baldwin Church their church home.

We encourage our members & small groups to identify areas where their passions & interests overlap with the needs of our community and ask them to seek to engage in that area. Some may work with the under-resourced in distressed parts of our city, those seeking life and job skills, young people in need or even college students. Please prayerfully consider where God might be leading you to serve!

There are a variety of local ministries & organizations that we are proud to partner with as we extend Christ’s love throughout central Florida. Here are some organizations with which LBC encourages you to serve:

Interested In Serving Our City?

Please fill out this interest form and someone will be in touch with you soon.