Our Programs
Children 4 and over learn the Bible is one BIG story, God’s story, with Christ as the central character, through the Biggest Story Bible Storybook Curriculum. Preschool Students remain in one classroom, while Elementary Students rotate through three exciting stations:
Narration Station: Hear the Word of God
Imagination Station: Encounter the Word of God
Memorization Station: Remember the Word of God
Our 2 & 3 year olds are introduced to God’s promises made and fulfilled through the Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible.
SPLASH hosts a variety of annual events that are intentionally aligned to the vision of the church including:
Step-Up Sunday
Serving the City
Serving the World
Serving our Neighbor
Surf School
5th Sunday Family Worship
Volunteers make SPLASH possible with their commitment to once-a-month service! We think this is one of the easiest ways to fulfill our vows to come alongside parents in helping their children fall in love with God’s story and find their place in it.
Every SPLASH Team Member undergoes a background check, attends SPLASH Orientation, shadows before serving, and is developed through annual team training. We have an annual appreciation event each April to celebrate the investment our volunteers make in our Covenant children.
Interested in joining the SPLASH team? Click the link below to complete our Volunteer Application and our Volunteer Coordinator, Hannah Strobl, will contact you with next steps.
Check out this brief video for an overview of what happens in SPLASH Kids every Sunday
Monthly Newsletter
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