August Prayer - Day 14

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Now the law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

—Romans 5:20-21


Life in the Grip of Grace

by Mike Tilley

In 1666 while serving a 12-year prison sentence for preaching the gospel, John Bunyan wrote his famous book, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. The title of the book was based on this verse from Romans, along with 1 Timothy 1:15, where Paul regarded himself as the chief of sinners. Bunyan took in both parts of the gospel: the gravity of sin and the abounding grace found in Christ. His was a life in the grip of grace. Only grace can topple the idols of our hearts. Only grace can draw us to the throne of God in prayer. Only grace can thrust us out into God’s larger story.


How to pray today:

  • Pray that grace, not moralism, would fuel our lives and mission as a church.

  • Thank God for the partner organizations in our city that are extending grace in beautiful ways. Pray for the work of Grace Medical Home, providing free medical care in the name of Christ.

  • This month thousands of college students will be swarming local campuses like Rollins College and UCF. Pray for Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at UCF, one of the ministries supported by LBC. Pray for gospel fruit as Lee Wright (director) and Alex Gottfried and their student leaders reach out to incoming students. Pray, too, for the work of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at Rollins College as they sow seeds of the gospel and make disciples among students. Zach Baldwin is the IVCF director at Rollins.


August Prayer - Day 15


August Prayer - Day 13