August Prayer - Day 13
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…
—Psalm 139:13-14
Fully Known
by Dwayne Noble
Nothing has brought me closer to knowing the heart of God for his children than the experience of being a father. Holding my son close at night before laying him down to bed reminds of God’s love for me, his concern for me and his protection over my life. Not only that, in these moments I am reminded that God truly and fully knows me. Psalm 139:13 says, “[He] knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” This tells me that God created me uniquely and he is intimately involved in my everyday life. He is not distant nor is he indifferent to my worries and cares. If today you feel alone or if you feel as if no one really knows you, take comfort in this good news: You have been “fearfully and wonderfully made” by a great God, a Father in heaven, who loves you and KNOWS you.
How to pray today:
- Psalm 139 gives us a glimpse into the wonder of who God is: his love, his power, and his majesty. Pray that God, by his Holy Spirit, would make himself powerfully known in our worship services in the coming year.
- In many ways our Community Groups are places where we can know and be known, both by God and by our faith community. Pray that all of our church family will experience the joy of loving community. Pray specifically for your Community Group, for your group leaders, and for all who are part of it. Pray for rich gospel community where love and grace are practiced, where all can experience care.
- Our knowledge of God also grows through the in-depth study of his Word. Pray for the spiritual maturity of our congregation, and for the learning cohorts and classes that are offered throughout the year.