August Prayer - Day 27

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O Lord, you have searched me and known me.

—Psalm 139:1



Our God

By Heather Shiflett

Psalm 139 beautifully expresses one of the fundamental differences between Christianity and any other religion. Namely that God is not just God, but He is our God. In that one little adjective, the covenant comes alive. God does not just exist for Himself, nor do we exist for ourselves. Rather we exist to be in relationship with one another. Not only can we know about God, we can actually know God and He knows us. It is mind-blowing! Not only does He know we exist as a matter of fact, but He knows each one of us intimately, completely.

In that complete and full knowledge, He loves us. For someone outside the covenant, an intimate knowledge like that by an omnipotent, omnipresent God could be frightening—and maybe it should be. But for sons and daughters of the covenant, it is like being wrapped in the coziest of warm blankets on a cold day. Be comforted today knowing that covenantal knowledge still results in covenantal love, and there’s nothing we can ever do to change that.


How to pray today:

  • Take some moments to praise God today! Reflect on Psalm 139, and worship God for his presence, his power, and his love.
  • It won’t be long before Advent season is here! Pray for Joel Pollard as he plans and prepares our Advent worship services, including Christmas Eve.
  • Pray, too, for Advent outreaches, including the Winter Spark Parade. With children riding on our float, our LBC volunteers will be inviting hundreds of people to join us for worship in the Christmas season!

August Prayer - Day 28


August Prayer - Day 26