August Prayer - Day 18

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It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known...

—The Apostle Paul, in Rom 15:20a



"A Great Ambition"

by Zurielly Jennings

We sometimes think of the word “ambition” as a negative, unspiritual quality for those who set their eyes on things of this world. However, God’s transforming work in the life of the apostle Paul provided him a different and greater kind of ambition: the extension of God’s Kingdom to the ends of the earth. During his three missionary journeys, he focused all of his zeal and passion on preaching the gospel to those who had never heard of Jesus. As he writes these words, he is actually hoping to launch a fourth journey to Spain, hoping the church in Rome will help send him on (Rom.15:24). He never made it there, but rather was imprisoned and ended his days in Rome. While entire people groups in the world remain unreached, we still have work to do! Is reaching them one of your greatest ambitions? Are you willing to go or help send someone to them?


How to pray today:

  • Thank God for the missionary families supported by LBC: Ross and Aislinn Meyer (London), Davidson and Katie Jean-Rejouis (Toulouse, France), Matt and Jill K (moving from Asia to DC to work with an unreached people group), Peter and Jenny Boling (La Paz, Mexico), John and Julie Bowles (Bangkok, Thailand), and Collin and Zury Jennings (West Africa). Pray for each family as our kingdom representatives across the world!
  • For Collin and Zury Jennings: (1) completion of support to move to West Africa by spring of 2019, and (2) for Zury to obtain her green card soon and eventually obtain U.S. citizenship.
  • For Ross and Aislinn Meyer, working with Serge in London: (1) Praise God for recent outreaches in London with short-term teams from the USA, (2) Pray for Aislinn as she begins an English class with mostly Sylheti students next month.

August Prayer - Day 19


August Prayer - Day 17