2016 August Prayer Initiative - Day 18

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 2:1-4)

"Praying for our Leaders"

One of the best examples of leadership in the Bible is that of Moses. The circumstances surrounding his birth, the manner in which he was raised, and the remarkable ways in which God chose to use him are an evidence of God’s power and grace. When God called to him from a burning bush it was evident that God had unique plans for Moses. He was to lead his people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.

But Moses was a reluctant leader. He initially hesitated to be “God’s man,” though he eventually accepted his call. And even though it is obvious to us that Moses was God’s appointed prophet to deliver the Israelites from slavery, many of the people Moses was attempting to lead did not appreciate his efforts. They constantly complained. They questioned his decisions. Some even wanted to stone him. No one said leadership was easy.

In fact, leadership can often be quite difficult. Though leaders often get attention and recognition, they also carry the burden of responsibility and receive unfair criticism. Like the Israelites, we can be quick to fault our leaders without fully comprehending the weight of decisions and expectations that they carry with them. 

In an age where a quick tweet or Facebook post allows us to offer a critique of our leaders, God’s Word instructs us to instead pray for them. The role of the Christian is to lift up our leaders—spiritual, civic, or otherwise—before the God who sees all and knows all. Let’s do that today...

How to Pray...

  • Pray for local government officials. Pray for wisdom as they lead our city and that God would draw them closer to himself.
  • Pray for law enforcement, fire fighters, paramedics, and all those who seek to serve and protect us. Pray for their protection and that they would lead with courage and integrity.
  • Pray specifically for the leaders of LBC who lead us in caring for our congregation and in serving our city, our deacons. Pray for Michael Ballenger, Scott Crocker, Drew Hallberg, Candice Holtz, Adam Mikkelson, and Ernie Traynham. Pray for their personal spiritual lives, their families, and the ministries they lead. Ask God to raise up new deacons and deaconesses for our deacon team.
  • Pray pastors throughout the city, including those planting new churches. Pray for Mike Aitcheson, former apprentice at LBC now planting Christ United Fellowship as a multi-cultural congregation. Pray for the Florida Church Planting Network, with 40+ churches locking arms to resource new church plants. LBC helps fund this effort.
  • Finally, pray that God would use all these efforts to open the hearts of people to the gospel, bringing good news to the city!


For the Family

by Michelle Crouse

As a family, make a list of all the community leaders and servants you can think of (president, governor, representatives, policemen, firemen, judges, pastors, church leaders, etc.)

During this election season our kids are likely hearing all kinds of ideas and viewpoints about leaders or potential leaders.  Give your kids some time to share what they have heard and what they think about it. Take some time to talk about how we can be respectful of others and their viewpoints even if we don’t agree with them.  One of the greatest gifts we can give to these leaders and servants is to pray for them as they seek to lead and care for the people. 

Download a "Community Helper" coloring sheet HERE!

For the younger children, print the Community Helper coloring sheet. Encourage them to pray out loud as they color the community helpers!


"Praying for Our Leaders" - Scott Crocker

Scott Crocker is the Chief of Staff for Ethnic Field Ministry, a ministry of Cru committed to seeing spiritual movements launched among ethnic minority students and faculty throughout the world. His family attends Lake Baldwin Church, where Scott serves as a deacon and leads the church’s mercy ministry to those in need.  In his free time, he is a diehard fan of the Michigan Wolverines & Detroit Tigers and has coached youth basketball and football since high school.  An avid reader, he particularly enjoys biographies and books about culture and American history.  Scott and his wife, Lori, have four children and live in Orlando, Florida

"For the Family" - Michelle Crouse

Michelle Crouse has served as the director of LBC's children's ministry—SPLASH Kids—since the end of 2011. She and her husband Joshua were married in 2002 and have 2 children. Michelle grew up outside of Boston and graduated from James Madison University in Virginia with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She loves being with kids and loves the opportunity to be a part of teaching children how much they are loved by God, and helping them grow in their understanding of what that means. 


Hannah Rader: With the Refugees in Greece


2016 August Prayer Initiative - Day 17