Call to Pray and Fast
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the elders of Lake Baldwin Church have called for a Day of Prayer and Fasting on Good Friday, April 10th. We are uniting with churches across the country to turn from our sins, seek the Lord, and call on him for healing and revival. Click here for a brief description of the vision for this day, along with links to helpful resources.
Why fast? As David Kakish writes, "It acknowledges our weakness and reliance on God's strength as we wait for him to intervene." For some excellent teaching on fasting, check out the Guide to Prayer and Fasting by Richard Pratt, using the link in the attached article. Feel free to fast an entire day, or one meal, or not at all.
Some Prayer Prompts (especially if your day is busy with work or kids)
Morning (15-30 minutes) Read Psalm 107, praising God for his history of rescuing his people in distress. Add a stanza of your own, thanking God for specific ways he has rescued you.
Mid-day (15-30 minutes) Read 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. Take some time to confess the sins of our nation, the sins of the church, and personal sins. This is a time for humility, turning from sin and seeking God. Pray for the healing of our world, for revival in the church, and for an awakening among the lost.
6:00 pm--Good Friday online service. Use this time to enter into the darkness and suffering of Jesus and to behold his finished work for us on the cross. Prepare your heart for Sunday, when we see the risen Christ, the first fruits of all who will receive new life in him.
If you have more time, please see the attached article with links to prayer resources and specific requests for our nation and world.
Let us unite our hearts as we join with the larger body of Christ to turn to our Heavenly Father in prayer.
Mike Tilley
Senior Pastor