August Daily Prayer #28: Spiritual Growth

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. (2 Peter 3:18)

The book of 2 Peter begins and ends with an inspiring call to spiritual growth in Christ. Though we already know Jesus Christ, spiritual growth involves getting to know him better. This includes growth in our understanding of Christ, as well as our experience of his grace. What a simple and beautiful road map for the growth of every follower of Christ!  It's good for all of us to ask the question, "What is the next step for my growth in Christ?"

This fall, Lake Baldwin Church will offer numerous opportunities for growth "in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" Let's bathe these opportunities in prayer, and let's pray that the people of LBC will press on to spiritual maturity.

  • Pray for the new 12-week class beginning Oct 5, taught by Richard Hostetter and others. It will be an overview of the Bible, where "heart knowledge" and "head knowledge" will be experienced.
  • Pray for renewed and new small groups being launched next month. Pray that these groups will be environments for growth in grace and knowledge of Christ.
  • Pray for our elders who shepherd the flock, as they nudge us all in the direction of growth in Christ. 
  • Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit in the use of the "ordinary means of grace:" worship, the preaching of the Word, communion, and community. Pray that the Spirit will work mightily to bring about growth in grace and knowledge for all of us this fall.
  • Pray for our children and youth, who will also experience opportunity for growth in grace and knowledge in SPLASH and youth group. 
  • Healthy growth involves head, heart, and hands. Pray that our church will increase in head knowledge, in heart passion for Christ and others, and in action as we obey and serve Jesus.
  • Most of all, pray that love for God and others would increasingly be our experience as the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to transform us, individually and as a church.