A Lament in Light of Tragic Shootings

O God our Creator, we praise you that you have created all human beings in your image, with beauty and dignity. We treasure and value all human life, from the womb to the tomb.

We grieve and lament the tragic and senseless killings in our country: the 19 children and 2 teachers killed in Uvalde, Texas; the racially motivated killing of 10 people at a Buffalo supermarket; and the shooting of Taiwanese worshipers at a Presbyterian church in Laguna Woods, California. 

As one of your departed saints prayed, “Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God.”

We pray for comfort for the family and friends who today are mourning the loss of loved ones. We pray for healing of the communities ripped apart by violence. We pray for your church as your people offer tangible support and comfort to the broken. We pray for our leaders at every level of government who are charged with the protection of citizens, that they would pursue wise actions.

We humbly acknowledge the words of Jesus in Mark 7:21-23, that the sin of murder originates in the human heart. May your church and your gospel counter the evil of murder with the redemption found in Christ. May we be salt and light in our communities, loving our neighbors as Christ has loved us.

We read in Jonah 3:8, “Let everyone turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands.” We pray that, like ancient Nineveh, our nation would turn from its evil way and experience spiritual revival.

In uncertain times we cling to the promise in Revelation 21:4-- “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”