Pastor Mike updates from Marseille, France

LBC’s vision of Good News for the World is all about partnering with local churches around the world to invite people to follow Jesus.

After wrapping up two weeks of vacation, Mike and Molly are encouraging the churches of the International Christian Community network.

Mike gives us an update, fresh off preaching at ICC - Marseille. He then introduces us to a few of our brothers and sisters in Marseille! As you watch, enjoy the people of the church talking and laughing in the background then pray for their work and witness among the people of Marseille. Even though they are small, their impact is great and far reaching.

Meet Nardous, whose family is living in Marseille and working with Ethiopian Airlines.

Meet Richard Chenette, current Pastor of ICC - Marseille and former elder from the Virginia area.

Meet Dan Painter, Founder and President Emeritus of ICC.


Pastor Transition Update