Here's Where Things Stand

What we're up to:

  • Weekly online prayer as a church:  Click here  to join us this Wednesday, at 8:00 PM on Zoom for a half hour of prayer for our church, our city, and the world. We hope to see you there!

  • Worship: We know some folks have had trouble connecting live on our Facebook page, so in efforts to make this as easy as possible, we have a link that will take you right to the live service this week. Click here next Sunday morning to join us FB live! And remember, if you’re having trouble connecting to the Facebook live, you can view the service on our homepage as well at

  • Prayer requests: Please reach out to your elderdeacon, or community group leader if you have questions, prayer requests, special needs, or just want to check in. We are here for you! If you want the staff and elders to be praying for you specifically, click here to let us know how we can be supporting you. 

  • Youth: Tune in for an Irish accent plus encouraging daily devotionals focused on the book of Psalms. In this time of isolation, we hope to challenge both students and adults alike to make time to be with the Lord each day, and respond to His Word in new ways. You can click the image above or here to start listening now!


Three Hidden Blessings
