LBC Coronavirus Response
If you really fulfill the royal law according to Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well. --James 2:8
Dear Lake Baldwin Church Family,
We have all been watching the developing story around the world related to the Coronavirus. This morning I was conferring with our ministry partners in Europe, where the situation has become acute, especially in Italy. One pastor captured the sentiment of many: “We are seeking to avoid the extremes of overreaction and underreaction.”
This week we have seen a travel ban from Europe, the cancellation of major sporting events, and other measures to slow the spread of the virus. In light of this we need to prepare for contingencies. We want to be alert to what God might be doing while taking prudent measures. Scripture reminds us to love one another and to love our neighbors. I would encourage you to view our response through this lens.
One step we took early on was to provide assistance for two of our members so that they could leave China and return to Orlando before the travel ban. Thanks to our deacons we were able to “love our neighbors” in a tangible way.
Here are some other measures we are taking (or can take) to love one another and love our neighbors:
Sunday worship: We will continue to gather for worship unless worship gatherings are cancelled by governing authorities. We have changed the way we will do communion, using pre-packaged grape juice and wafers that will be distributed. Your attendance at worship is, of course, up to you. If you or a family member are sick, then please do not go to public gatherings. If the public schools are closed, we have backup at The Geneva School, as we did during the hurricane.
SPLASH Kids: Our team already has a practice of cleaning and sanitizing items that will be touched by children. We appreciate the safety plans already in place.
Hygiene and social distancing: As you have heard, be sure to wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds, with hot soapy water. For awhile, let’s refrain from touching though handshakes and hugs. If you cough, please cover your mouth.
Digital worship and preaching: In the event of a heightened ban on public gatherings, we will endeavor to provide a way to stay in touch online. If this becomes necessary, stay tuned for communication about that.
Smaller gatherings: Stay connected to your community group and shepherding group. That will be a way to offer care and to continue to share in the means of grace.
High risk individuals: If you need to stay home and cannot get out for food, there are many in our congregation, including our deacons, who will do whatever they can to help. Simply send a message to This could include purchase of food or picking up prescriptions.
Prayer: Pray daily for those in need and for all in our church involved in caring for others. Pray, too, for those in other countries with high numbers of cases and where healthcare services are overstretched.
Love your neighbor: You might become aware of needs around you, among people who do not have a church family. As God leads, offer practical help.
The peace of God: There is a chance that we and those around us will be worried about our health or our financial well-being (in light of the decline of the stock market and other economic consequences). As Christians, we have the peace of God that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7). We have learned the secret of being content, whether in “plenty or hunger, abundance and need.” (Philippians 4:12)
If you have any questions or concerns in the coming weeks, do not hesitate to contact your elder, your deacon, or one of the staff.
Mike Tilley