We Will Feast

My heart for the LBC 11th Anniversary

by Mike Tilley, Senior Pastor

We have a big event coming up this Sunday. Of course, there’s the Super Bowl. But there’s also the LBC 11th Anniversary. My heart is full today, and I wanted to take a few moments to express my heart as we look forward to our 11th birthday.

Our first worship service was on February 6, 2006. We had a ragtag band of dreamers and tire-kickers, some of whom had been praying about the birth of a new church in Baldwin Park. Since that first Sunday, Glenridge Middle School, our building, has been transformed into a full-service church each week. Well... there was one exception, when we had the hurricane last fall.

When I anticipate our anniversary service each year, three things come to mind: Celebration, Appreciation, and Aspiration.


Psalm 145:4-5 says: "One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate."

It’s good to stop and reflect on the mighty works of God, and on his majesty. This Sunday we will celebrate the majesty and works of God in songs, in readings, and in the Lord’s Supper. As we sing the songs of redemption, let’s reflect on all that our Savior has done for us.

This past year my emotional "water line" has been at a high water mark in my life. I’ve been feeling things more deeply. One happy benefit is the emotion I feel each Sunday when we worship together. I look forward to a feast of worship this Sunday. And to a feast at the Food Truck Event afterwards.


Each year at this time I feel especially grateful for the many volunteers who work to make our gospel feast possible. Actually I feel that each week as I watch people setting up, making coffee, greeting guests, preparing for worship, and working with children in SPLASH Kids.

I so appreciate our serving culture, and the fact that so many serve on a monthly volunteer team. It’s a sacrifice, and sometimes a quiet and thankless one. This week, why not express appreciation to one of our volunteers? Let them know that you notice their faithful service.

Hebrews 6:10 inspires me: "For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do."

Thank you, volunteers!


It seems to me that feasts in the Old Testament also served as covenant renewal. For example, the Passover was a reminder to each generation of the Exodus, and of God’s salvation. I’m reminded of Joshua, and how he called the people to consecration before they went in to possess the Promised Land.

For us, the Lord’s Supper is our “Passover.” It is a chance to re-set our hearts to gospel mode, so that our faith can be renewed and so that we can obey God from a heart of love.

This Sunday, we can look forward to a new group of people taking membership vows. As they take their vows, let’s remember our own membership vows, and renew them.

Aspiration is about the future. Because of the grace of the gospel, we can always have a new beginning. In all the pressures, trials, and temptations of life, our vision can leak. We all need a fresh dose of gospel hope, and grace to pursue the vision that God has entrusted to our church.


When Jesus fed the 5000, there were 12 baskets full left over, one for each of the disciples. That was quite a feast! We may feel our limits, but we have a Savior who is the bread of life, and who gave his life for the world.

Happy 11th birthday, Lake Baldwin Church!


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