A Prayer for Tragedy

Early today a tragic shooting took place in a church in Sutherland Springs, TX. It is currently estimated that at least 26 people have been killed. In the wake of this terrible act of violence, it seems timely to repeat the prayer of confession from this morning's worship service at Lake Baldwin Church. 


Heavenly Father, we believe that you are good, yet there are times when we are overwhelmed by the brokenness that surrounds us. Your word tells us to expect suffering, yet we are often surprised, angry, and fearful when hard times come. We cannot ignore the powerful evils that still have a stronghold in this world. We confess that we are often tempted to despair, to worry, and to fear.

Gracious God, may this repeated command resonate in each of our hearts this morning: "Do not be afraid." May we remember your power and authority, and may we rest in the peace that only comes from you. Give us the courage to go forth into this broken world and shine your truth into darkness, clinging tightly to the eternal hope of restoration that is promised to all your children.

Sovereign Lord, may we be captivated by your steadfast goodness, power, and beauty. May we love you for yourself alone. By the power of the Holy Spirit, show us your beauty, attract our hearts, and capture our imaginations, so that we find joyful pleasure in serving you. Amen.*


*paragraph 3 adapted from:
Keller, Timothy. The Songs of Jesus: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms. Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition, page 49-50.



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