LBC Weekly: 8/10/14
Here’s a picture from our recent membership class. It’s always a highlight to get to know some of the new people that God has brought our way. When you get the opportunity, please say hi to Brad and Kathy Bright, Clayton and Traci Keene, James and Sarah McDonald, Ellane Park, and Jim and Teri Pickering. Also...please read on for important dates, how to sign up for the daily prayer devotional, and the next weekly prayer gathering Monday evening.
Sign Up to Pray Daily in August!
* The elders have issued a “call to prayer” for the month of August.
* So far, 56 people have signed up to pray daily for the work of the church in light of spiritual opportunities this fall.
* It’s not too late to sign up! Just send an e-mail to ( . You’ll be included in the daily devotional and prayer requests.
* Check out a 2-minute video giving the heart and history behind the August Call to Prayer. Click here ( .
Worship This Sunday at 10:45
* Jim Cunningham will continue our series on “Keeping the Faith,” with a message from 2 Timothy 4:9-18. In this personal passage, we learn a lot about friendship, and the part that friends play in helping us keep the faith.
* Jim and his wife, Joyce, have been a part of LBC from the beginning. As an attorney, Jim sought theological training on the side, and gives his time to teaching and helping make disciples.
* Please take some moments to pray for Jim, for our worship team, for SPLASH, and for youth group on Sunday evening.
Dates for Your Calendar
* This Monday at 7 pm: Bart and Judy Johnson, along with Danny and Kim Anderson, will be hosting an hour of prayer at the LBC office, 1300 Lake Baldwin Lane, Orlando 32814. These open prayer gatherings are being held weekly during our August Call to Prayer.
* Don Sweeting, president of Reformed Theological Seminary, will be preaching at LBC on August 17. Dr. Sweeting is the author of the book, How to Finish the Christian Life.
* Our new series on the book of Exodus begins on August 23.
* Small Group leaders will be meeting on September 13 from 9-noon.
* Hospitality Event September 26: Elders and Wives will be hosting home gatherings for their shepherding groups. Plan on a fun evening of food and connecting with others.
Please remember to pray:
* For Robert and Gretchen Gutman: Gretchen’s mother passed away last week, so pray for comfort for Gretchen who is grieving her loss. Also, pray for the family, as they are in the midst of a stressful move, and even had some things robbed from them yesterday.
* Continue to pray for Vicki Glodo, as she recovers from surgery earlier in the summer. Pray that she will be healed and strong enough to begin her teach in job this month.
In His Grace,